Business of personalisation – Atterley UK
When we buy clothes from several different stores, it becomes increasingly tricky to appropriately match pieces while assembling an outfit. This is where Atterley steps in. Atterley is a one-stop-shop for most fashion needs curated by up-and-coming designers in the market. With Atterley, shoppers are introduced to a wide variety of styles and labels in one place, so curating the perfect outfit for any occasion doesn’t have to be a stressful and time-consuming affair.
Keep in mind, Atterley also works in collaboration with inspiring, up-and-coming fashion retailers and designers. Not only are you, as a buyer, exposed to a wider selection of choice for your clothes, but Atterley also serves as the perfect platform for these designers and retailers to showcase their work. It’s possible you may even come across unique, eye-catching pieces that never made it to the shelves of mainstream fashion retailers you find at the mall.
Atterley’s online shopping website makes picking out clothes and outfit customization a breeze. Additionally, their inclusivity and substantial global reach allow local fashion designers to share their beautiful work from Brighton all the way with a happy buyer in New York City. Atterley also includes express worldwide shipping as a standard shipping option, so buyers easily get their clothes in the shortest time frame possible. Furthermore, Atterley includes men’s and women’s wear, and their network of designers and fashion retailers only expands as more aspiring designers join this one-stop boutique shopping experience.
Similar to Atterley’s customer-centric and personally curated approach is Yours.Truly. However, Yours. Truly. takes the personalization for their customers to a whole other level, prioritizing their customer’s individuals clothing tastes and creating different fashion collections unique to each member.
Besides customizing the perfect color pallet to suit you, Yours.Truly. also samples and sifts through multiple ethical fashion labels to find the ideal clothing choice for each individual member. The labels come from the US, Europe, and Canada and feature a mix of independent fashion designers as well as established labels.
Last but not least, Yours.Truly. gives members the opportunity to put together their own collection of favorable items to save for later. Fashion is all about expression, and experimenting with styles that are unconventional is a great way to see what you can pull off and enhance with other clothing articles.
Personalized fashion is the key to capturing the market. With more styles and preferences being promoted in today’s society, buyers want outfits that suit them completely. This is the aspect of the market that both Atterley and Yours.Truly. have tapped into and have been quite successful in.